EHotel Career College

HTM: Hospitality and Tourism Management Textbook

$110.50 $99.45

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SKU: 26408ffa703a

Prepare your students for a successful and fulfilling career in hospitality with the Second Edition of HOSPITALITY & TOURISM MANAGEMENT. Based on feedback shared by hospitality educators and industry experts across the nation, the new flexible curriculum accommodates both one and two-year programs with expanded coverage to represent all industry segments. Comprehensive educator resources are available to help deliver engaging and effective instruction virtually or in person. In addition to updated content throughout, the following significant changes were made to meet the needs of high school hospitality programs and provide an engaging and thorough introduction to the industry while preparing students for the workforce as well as post-secondary education.

Improved Organization: To create a more flexible curriculum, the new Hospitality & Tourism Management has been combined into a single volume, allowing schools to more easily align the modular chapter content with the structure of their program.

Teachers: A comprehensive Educators Package is available, including a detailed bridge document to help you easily transition to the new edition.

Expanded Coverage of All Segments of Hospitality: With the Second Edition students have the opportunity to learn more about all important areas of the industry. In addition to an updated unit on Lodging Operations, the Second Edition offers comprehensive coverage of Food and Beverage Operations, Event Management, and Travel and Tourism.

Industry-Based Content: AHLEIs programs are developed by teams of industry experts and hospitality educators. Real-world input and examples provide highly engaging, effective instruction.

For more information and special academic pricing, please contact the Sales team.

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