Housekeeping is critical to the success of today’s hospitality operations. The third edition of this textbook shows what it takes to direct day-to-day operations of this department, from big-picture management issues to technical details for cleaning each area.
Featured topics:
- Energy management, sustainability and “green” housekeeping (microfiber mops, reusing linens/towels, chemical use, green lighting, etc.)
- Post 9/11 security issues.
- Health concerns (bedbugs, mold and viral outbreaks).
- Amenities and guestroom furnishings (bathrobes, triple sheeting, higher thread counts, “bed wars,” pillow menus, wireless Internet, etc.)
- Human resources (diversity, recruitment challenges, immigration reform laws, turnover, selection and interviewing).
Authors: Aleta A. Nitschke, The Rooms Chronicle, and William D. Frye, Ph.D., Niagara University
©2008, 14 Chapters, Softbound
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