EHotel Career College

Managing Housekeeping Operations eBook: 180 Day Access and Exam (ExamFlex)

$83.50 $75.15

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SKU: 82cec96096d4

Package includes a 180-day eBook access key plus the online exam.

The purchaser will have access to this title for 180 days from access code redemption.

Housekeeping is critical to the success of today’s hospitality operations. The third edition of this eBook shows what it takes to direct day-to-day operations of this department, from big-picture management issues to technical details for cleaning each area.

Featured topics:

  • Energy management, sustainability and “green” housekeeping (microfiber mops, reusing linens/towels, chemical use, green lighting, etc.)
  • Post 9/11 security issues.
  • Health concerns (bedbugs, mold and viral outbreaks).
  • Amenities and guestroom furnishings (bathrobes, triple sheeting, higher thread counts, “bed wars,” pillow menus, wireless Internet, etc.)
  • Human resources (diversity, recruitment challenges, immigration reform laws, turnover, selection and interviewing).

Please note:

  • To be eligible to take the final exam and earn a certificate of completion for this course, you must be enrolled at a school.
  • Students MUST purchase their textbooks or online exams through the online store.

Upon ordering the digital edition, you will receive an access code with guided information to help you get started. Once you establish an account for the title, you will be able to view as well as download to the app.

Authors: Aleta A. Nitschke, The Rooms Chronicle, and William D. Frye, Ph.D., Niagara University

©2008, 14 Chapters, Digital

For more information and special industry and academic pricing, please contact the Sales team.

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