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Management of Food and Beverage Operations eBook: 180 Day Access and Exam (ExamFlex)

$117.00 $105.30

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SKU: f2fc990265c7

Package includes a 180-day eBook access key plus the online exam.

The purchaser will have access to this title for 180 days from access code redemption.

The seventh edition of the Management of Food and Beverage Operations embodies the spirit of hospitality and its role in the success of every type of foodservice operation. This edition discusses updated industry trends, technology advancements, increased emphasis on the social responsibility of sustainability and other recent developments in the industry.Learn new digital marketing strategies with step-by-step guidelines to respond professionally to all feedback on social media sites. Learn about designing menus that can be accessed through electronic devices and decode an analysis of your menu to outshine the competition, differentiate your brand and increase sales.

Each chapter has a technology-focused element to help managers improve daily operations. These features include tips and provide awareness to internet-based tools that successful managers use to enhance the business, extend their company’s presence, and maximize efficiency. Engage with the most up-to-date, diverse and technologically advanced Food and Beverage textbook on the market.

Please note:

  • To be eligible to take the final exam and earn a certificate of completion for this course, you must be enrolled at a school.
  • Students MUST purchase their textbooks or online exams through the online store.

Upon ordering the digital edition, you will receive an access code with guided information to help you get started. Once you establish an account for the title, you will be able to view as well as download to the app.

Author: Jack D. Ninemeier, Ph.D. and David K. Hayes, Ph.D.

©2022, 13 Chapters, Digital

For more information and special industry and academic pricing, please contact the Sales team.

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