EHotel Career College

Elements of Service: Serving Guests with Disabilities Online Course

$76.50 $68.85

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SKU: 288cc0ff0228

According to a 2022 MMGY study, people with mobility disabilities travel at the same rate as the general population and generate $58.2 billion in annual tourism revenue.

Elements of Service: Serving Guests with Disabilities is an online learning program designed to train guest-facing hotel employees in best practices for serving guests with physical disabilities (including vision, hearing and mobility impairments).

Learners are presented with a variety of service situations for guests with disabilities, where uninformed actions can cause distress or even danger. From point of entry and check-in to food service and touchpoints throughout a hotel visit, service providers learn the communication skills and tools that will create outstanding service interactions with this fast-growing traveling population.

This online course provides all hospitality professionals with the tools they need to ensure positive interactions with people with disabilities.

This program:

  • Teaches how to effectively and confidently interact with guests with disabilities.
  • Uses service situations, showing how a poor response can cause distress or even danger.
  • Takes learners through hotel experiences for travelers with disabilities.
  • Equips hospitality professionals with communication skills and tools to create outstanding service interactions.

The goal of this program is to ensure that hotel staff feel confident and equipped to handle service interactions with hotel guests who are disabled.

There are knowledge checks with feedback throughout the program and a 20-question quiz at the end of the course to test understanding.

Employees who complete the course will receive a certificate.

For more information and special industry and academic pricing, please contact the Sales team.

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