EHotel Career College

Hospitality Today: An Introduction eBook: 365 Day Access and Exam (ExamFlex)

$125.00 $112.50

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SKU: 9c838d2e45b2

Package includes a 365-day eBook access key plus the online exam.

The purchaser will have access to this title for 365 days from access code redemption.

This eBook provides readers with a comprehensive introduction to the many entities that make up the hospitality industry, as well as an overview of today’s hot issues, including ethical challenges and management concerns. Numerous examples, exhibits and statistics give readers an up-to-date look at the dynamic hospitality field.

The eighth edition has been updated throughout to reflect new industry trends, management practices, and the effect of technology and social media on various aspects of hospitality. New topics include boutique/lifestyle hotels, Airbnb, global distribution systems, event technology, emotional labor and Internet advertising.

Please note:

  • To be eligible to take the final exam and earn a certificate of completion for this course, you must be enrolled at a school.
  • Students MUST purchase their textbooks or online exams through the online store.

Upon ordering the digital edition, you will receive an access code with guided information to help you get started. Once you establish an account for the title, you will be able to view as well as download to the app.

Author: Rocco M. Angelo, CHA

©2017, 17 Chapters, Digital

For more information and special industry and academic pricing, please contact the Sales team.

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